New Year - Fresh Start

The idea of spring-cleaning has been around a long time, but I always choose to do my big clean just after the New Year. It seems appropriate somehow – it’s good to start a fresh year with less clutter.

My wardrobe is one of the things that gets a major clear-out, and it is no easy task. I have a lot of beautiful clothes and shoes, and I always find it hard to cull them.

I’ve read so many advice columns on the matter, but they don’t help me much. You know that thing they always say? If you haven’t worn it for a year or two, get rid of it! It doesn’t work for me. I adore certain garments in my wardrobe, wear them over and over, then suddenly tire of them and they remain unnoticed for three years, only to become favourites again.

Fashion is cyclical, and so is my love for my clothes. Call it fickle if you like.

Now when I’m cleaning out my wardrobe, I consider five things.

Does it really fit?

You know that jacket you bought, because it’s SO beautiful, and a little bit different? And it fits perfectly at the waist, so never mind that you know it’s too big in the shoulders? And two years later it’s still sitting in your wardrobe, unworn? If you know a good dressmaker, get it altered so that it fits perfectly, or get rid of it! Same with shoes. If they pinch at the toes or give you blisters, even after several wears, throw them out!

Is it too impractical?

I’ve made the mistake of buying pencil skirts that I rarely wore. (They looked good on me, but I like being able to move my legs when I walk, so I’d always choose something else from my wardrobe.) Perhaps you’ve done the same? If possible, get a split put in them or get rid of them. I’ve also bought shoes that looked amazing, but the heels were just too high. It was a painful decision but I got rid of them, because the pain in my back was worse.

Is it looking too worn and daggy?

Have you ever kept a favourite cardigan in your drawer for ages without wearing it, because it’s pilled, and has a hole in the armpit? That’s misguided sentiment. Take a photo of it to remember the good times and move on.

Do I have something else that does the same job?

I kept a cream skirt for a long time, because I love cream. However, I just didn’t wear it because it didn’t quite fit and was impossible to alter. I wore white skirts instead. So I’ve chucked that cream one at last, and now I have space in my wardrobe for that perfect cream skirt when I see it.

Do I feel good in it?

All of us have a dress or outfit that makes us feel like a million dollars. So why do we hold on to all those clothes that don’t make us feel good? That are a bit dowdy, or too tight, or just not our colour? If you’ve never received a compliment from a trusted friend about an outfit, it’s probably not right. I always think you learn more from what people don’t say than from what they do.

This season I threw out a dress that had been taking up space in my wardrobe for five years. I wore it once, even though it fitted me perfectly and looked great. The problem was that it only looked great for two minutes. It was made out of a peculiar fabric that wrinkled horribly when I sat down. It was only good for a cocktail party where it’s standing only, and you get to walk to it, and I’ve never been to one of those. I hate looking as though I’ve slept in my clothes. So, goodbye dress! It was nice knowing you for two minutes.

Next time you’re clearing out your wardrobe, see if these pointers work for you. Keep your most beautiful and suitable things, and be a star in your own clothes this year!