Colour blocking

Many women shy away from colour blocking, but I love it. Like most fashions it does come around from time to time. Women will be daring enough to try it in solidarity, but I’d rather not wait till it comes back into fashion again. Colour blocking tends to be a pretty regular addition to my look. Not every day of course, but at least once every couple of weeks.  

Colour blocking is a method of wearing multiple solid colours in an outfit, and generally refers to when you do it with brighter colours, not standards. (After all, women are colour blocking with black and white all the time!)

You can employ colour blocking by wearing the same colour in several hues, or by deliberately juxtaposing contrasting colours.

I love wearing green with blue, and red or orange with pink. Perhaps it’s the rebel in me. Many women around my age can probably remember their mothers telling them that wearing pink with red is a fashion crime, and blue with green even worse.

I’ve never been able to understand that. After all, who doesn’t love looking up at a cerulean blue sky through the green leaves of a tree? The two colours go perfectly together.

I like wearing just about any shade of green with blue, but I particularly like the effect below. The brightness of the green really stands out against navy blue, and then the yellow shoes are an added contrast. If the skirt was a bright blue, then you might not notice the shoes as much.

But I also think the orange outfit works well. All three colours are strong, but they are quite close in the spectrum, so they complement, rather than fight each other. This look makes me think of a garden of roses. How can you go wrong with that?